Sunday, November 18, 2007

This is My First Blog

This is my very first post. Kewl. (sike). I hate "kewl." Its ridiculous. It has to be spelled c-o-o-l and pronounced "cool" as well. I had a college course where an older classmate, (far too old to be using the terminology) kept on saying "kewl." Not just a time or two. ALL THE TIME! This was a night course, too. Three and a half hours of "kewl" this and "kewl" that. Then she started inciting her other "too old to use this word" friends into saying it with her. Misery. Speaking of cool, how many of you remember the practice of "cool pointing?" I was very surprised to hear the term recently. The drummer in my praise team said it the other day. He's a high school student. I had nearly forgotten the word. It did, however, bring to mind the time when my junior high vice principle, after questioning some students about the nature of this practice, announced one morning over the intercom, "There will be no more coo-pointing, and anyone caught coo-pointing will receive detention." Needless to say, we all laughed at the mispronunciation. I still laugh at it.

1 comment:

Jason Fullen said...

Welcome my B.I.L. to the blogsphere. May you post often with your wisdom and may your comments from passersby be many!